Once again, there's a place in Toronto where you can get your E6 film processed. So wouldn't it be good to know what kind of E6 films are currently available in the market and where you can get them? Veteran photographers will already be confident in acquiring and perhaps even processing their own E6 films. I know there are many who must be thrilled to once again have a local place to get their films processed. New photographers can finally give E6 films a try without having to outsource processing to another lab resulting in quicker turnaround. This leaves more time to experiment and have fun.
What is E6 film?
It is a film that creates a full colour, positive image. Likely you are familiar with getting negatives that need to be scanned and/or printed to produce a positive image or print. E6 film,
conveniently known as slide film, produces a positive image right on the film. You can see what your image looks like before you commit it to a scanner or make a print.
Why E6 film?
Because it's beautiful. I'll get into the logistics and challenges of shooting this kind of film in another post. But give it a try, you might just get hooked. Larger formats look even more impressive and it's the reason why I lug around an 8x10 camera from time to time.
So where can I get it?
Online stores such as B&H Photo, Adorama, Lomography and Japan Exposures. You're favourite local camera store (hopefully). And of course, Downtown Camera carries Fujifilm so you can get all your film and processing done in one convenient place.
Here's a current list of manufacturers with the sizes and flavours that they offer:

Download the PDF of this chart here: E6 Film List
Filmphotographyproject.com has stock of some government surplus expired Kodak Ektachrome 2239. They call it RetroChrome and it comes in ISO 160 & 320. Learn about them here:
They also stock expired Fujichrome CDU II Tungsten for properly colour-balanced indoor work or outdoor images with blue hues. Stock is limited.
Downtown camera will supply these films very shortly. Regardless of what you use, go and get your E6 fix now!